The fate with ethnic textile


Chie Dùpùdùpà

In 2008, Truong Thi Thu Thuy joined the JICA project - a Japanese program to improve the sewing skills of artisans in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam. The project ended in 2011 with open questions: What will the upland people do after the project? Where is the outlet for their crafts? With what orientation will they continue to maintain traditional brocade production? The end of JICA at that time also seemed to put an unfortunate end to the development of brocade weaving - a unique cultural tradition of ethnic minorities in Vietnam.

It seemed that everything would be closed after the JICA project, but the predestined connection with the traditional brocade handweaving prompted Truong Thi Thu Thuy to find a new direction for the local handicraft products. Chie Dupudupa Social Enterprise was born in 2011 as an impromptu fate, to create an exit for traditional brocade weaving in Vietnam in a sustainable, oriented, and meaningful way.

Chie was born with the efforts of founder Truong Thi Thu Thuy to support the trade of brocade products for artisans of ethnic minorities. And more than that, Chie is the convergence of enthusiasm and love that Thuy spends for the traditional brocade craft in Vietnam - the fabrics with a cultural breath that have been somewhat lost and forgotten.

It's been more than ten years since Chie's very first step. This is a long way for us to affirm our effort to accompany and support the ethnic minority community by connecting their products with the customers. With the assistance and encouragement of upland sisters in the production team, domestic and foreign customers, Chie is not only a business creating social impact, but it is also our journey to discover, preserve and spread the cultural beauty of ethnic minorities in Vietnam.