Chie Team

Hear about our journey with Chie from our team members...

Truong Thuy - Founder/Director

Truong Thuy (Thuy Chie) was born and raised in Hanoi, majoring in sculpture at Hanoi College of Art.

With 15 years of experience in the garment industry, developing handmade products, and 12 years of experience working with ethnic minorities in many different regions. Thuy Chie spent years living in upland villages to research and support ethnic minorities to promote traditional handweaving. Thuy worked with the Lao in Na Sang, Thai in Mai Chau, and many other localities to develop local textile products.

Thuy Chie used to work as an Independent Consultant for the Central Highlands Brocade Textile Network, coordinated by FIDR. With her experience, Thuy advises on design and color coordination training for ethnic minority women Ede, Co Tu, Ma, Ba Na..., assisting them in developing quality handmade products.

Inspired by the project "Promoting rural industries in the Northwest", Chie was born with the desire to connect the local products in the project to consumers. At the same time, Chie continues to carry out small projects to improve people's skills and support upland women to develop their livelihoods by traditional weaving.

In April 2021, Chie changed from a household business to a social enterprise under the direction of Truong Thuy.


Nguyen Thuy Duong - Manager

Duong (Nguyen Thuy Duong) was born and raised in Hanoi, majoring in Business Administration at Foreign Trade University of Hanoi.

Worked at a project to support loans for small and medium enterprises in the Thriive Hanoi program, Duong met Thuy and Chie, since then Duong has continuously supported Chie in business management as well as connecting Chie with other programs for enhancing business capacity.

Working at Chie as a business consultant, in charge of external relations.

Duong has many years of experience working with NGOs and investment funds/foundation such as Thriive, World Vision International, Hagar International...